Friday, January 8, 2016



Learning Area
Learning Outcomes
Suggested Learning Activities
1. Computer Lab Regulations
1.1 Computer Lab Rules
1.2 User
1.3 Equipment
1.4 Data and User Security
1.1.1 List computer lab rules.
1.2.1 Practice computer lab rules.
1.3.1 Handle equipment responsibly.
1.4.1 State the importance of data and user
Showing and explaining computer lab rules in 
  the computer lab
Reporting on observation of practical lab rules using 
Explaining procedures for responsible care of equipment
Discussing and listing appropriate ways of handling
Explaining the importance of password and Usernames
ë   Lab Rules
2. Lab Organisation
2.1 Organisation Chart
2.2 Computer Lab Timetable
2.3 Log Book
2.1.1 State the Organisation Chart of a
         computer lab.
2.1.2 Identify the Computer Lab Coordinator.
2.1.3 State the responsibilities of a computer   
         lab coordinator.
2.2.1 Adhere to the timetable.
2.3.1 Identify types of log books.
2.3.2 List usage of a log book.
2.3.3 Practise responsible use of computers.
Showing and explaining the Organisation chart
Using the computer lab according to the allocated time
Showing samples of log books
- Computer Log Book
- Computer Lab Log Book (refer Appendix L)
Sign in and sign out log book
Sign in when they use the computer
ë   Organisation chart
ë  Computer Lab Log Book
3. Ethics in Using Computer
3.1 Copyright
3.2 Unethical Use of Computers
3.1.1 State the ethics of computer usage.
3.1.2 Define the meaning of copyright.
3.1.3 State the effects of copyright violation
3.2.1 List out various unethical use of
3.2.2 State the effects of unethical use of
Explaining the ethics of computer usage
Explaining the meaning of copyright
Discussing in groups the effects of  copyright violation
Conducting discussion on the misuse of computers
In pairs, pupils browse the Internet to locate information
  on the misuse of computer
ë   ethics of computer usage
ë   meaning of copyright
ë   the effects of  copyright violation
ë   unethical use of computers.


Learning Area
Learning Outcomes
Suggested Learning Activities
1. Introduction to Computers
1.1 Evolution of the Computer
1.2 Types of Computers
1.1.1 State the generations of computers
         together with the respective processors
1.1.2 Explain the generations of computers
         together with the respective processors
1.2.1 Identify the types of computers:
Mini Computer
Micro Computer
Work Station
1.2.2 Define different types of computer.
Explaining the evolution of the computer from the
   vacuum tube to the fifth generation and showing the
    respective processors used
Matching the types of processors used with the
   respective generations of computers in a worksheet to
    be kept in the portfolio
Gathering information on the evolution of computers and
  presenting the information in groups
Introducing various types of computers using a
   PowerPoint presentation.
Labeling a flow chart of the types of computer in a
   worksheet to be kept in the portfolio
Gathering information on the types of computer and
   presenting the information in groups
ë   the evolution of the computer
ë  a worksheet
ë   the types of computers
ë   a worksheet
2. Computer Parts & Components
2.1 Overview of the Computer
2.2 System Unit
2.3 Peripherals
2.4 Input Devices
2.5 Output Devices
2.6 Storage Devices
2.1.1 Identify main components in the computer
System unit
2.1.2 State the functions of the main
         components in the computer system.
2.1.3 Explain briefly the data processing
         cycle of a computer system:
2.2.1 Identify the components of a system unit:
Input/Output port (I/O port)
Reset button
CDROM drive
Floppy drive
Hard disk drive
2.2.2 State the functions of the main
         components of a system unit.
2.2.3 State the functions of CPU, RAM, ROM
          and expansion slots found on the
2.2.4 Inculcate values of responsibility and
         cooperation among the pupils.
2.3.1 State the definition of peripheral.
2.3.2 Identify different types of peripherals:
• Input devices
• Output devices
• Storage devices
2.3.3 State examples of different types of
• Printers
• Scanners
• LCD projectors
• Digital cameras
• External CD drives
• External storages
2.3.4 Explain the functions of each peripheral.
2.4.1 Identify input devices.
2.4.2 List input devices.
2.4.3 State the respective functions of input
2.5.1 Identify output devices.
2.5.2 List output devices.
2.5.3 State the respective functions of output
2.6.1 Identify storage devices.
2.6.2 List storage devices.
2.6.3 State the functions of storage devices.
2.6.4 Identify differences between primary and
         secondary storage devices.
2.6.5 State the units for data measurement:
2.6.6 Inculcate values of responsibility,
         accountability and cooperation
Showing the main components of the computer system
Labeling the main components of the computer system
   in a worksheet to be kept in the portfolio
Carrying out brainstorming session on the functions of
   the main components of the computer system
Writing down the functions and keeping the sheet in the
Drawing and explain the data processing cycle of the
  computer system on a paper and to be kept in the

Input à Processà Output
Explaining the functions of the component of a system  
  unit such as I/O, Reset button, CDROM drive, floppy
  drive, hard disk drive
Writing down the functions of the component off the
  system unit and keeping it in the portfolio
Showing a motherboard to pupils
Identify, explain and discuss the functions of CPU,RAM,
  ROM and expansion slots found on the Motherboard
Writing the functions of the components in the
  worksheets provided and keeping them in the portfolio
Carrying out in pair or group activities
Explaining the definition of peripheral
Showing the different types of peripheral
Showing the example of different types of peripherals
  such as printers, scanners, LCD projectors, digital
  cameras, external CD drives and external storages
Collecting pictures of peripherals and keeping them in
   the portfolio
Show types of peripherals commonly found in the computer lab
Carry out a brainstorm session on the functions of each
Write the functions of each peripheral in worksheets and
  keeping them in the portfolio
Explaining the use of peripherals and demonstrating
   how to operate them
Doing hands-on activities while teacher facilitates
Facilitating a session where pupils brainstorm on
  various input devices
Showing examples of input devices
Collecting pictures of input devices, label and keep in 
  the portfolio
Facilitating group discussions on the functions of input
Brainstorming on various output devices
Showing examples of output devices
Collecting pictures of output devices, labeling and keep
  in the portfolio
Facilitating group discussions on the functions of output
Brainstorming on the various storage devices
Collecting pictures of storage devices, labeling and
  keeping in the portfolio
Facilitating group discussions on the functions of storage
Explaining the differences between primary and
  secondary storage devices
Categorizing the two storage devices
Explaining the units used for data measurement
Completing a conversion table for units of data
• Carry out in pair or group activities
ë   components of the computer system
ë  a worksheet
ë  a worksheet
ë  a worksheet
ë   the components of a system unit
ë  a worksheet
ë   the components of a a motherboard
ë  a worksheet
ë   definition of peripheral
ë    different types of peripheral
ë  a worksheet
ë   functions of each
ë  a worksheet
ë   examples of input devices
ë   Function of input devices
ë  Portfolio
ë   examples of output devices
ë   Function of output devices
ë  Portfolio
ë   examples of storage devices
ë   Function of storage devices
ë   differences between primary and secondary storage devices
ë   the units used for data measurement
ë  Portfolio
3. Basic Maintenance
3.1 Handling Input and Output
3.2 Computer Settings
3.1.1 Set up the input and output devices
3.1.2 Inculcate values of responsibility in
         handling hardware.
3.2.1 Customize settings for:
Display, Mouse and Sound
3.2.2 Customize settings for:
Date and time
Regional and language options
Setup the input and output devices:
o Monitor
o Keyboard
o Mouse
o Speaker
Demonstrating how to customize settings for display,
  mouse and sound
Carry out hands-on activities
Demonstrating how to customize settings for date and
   time, language and regional options
Carry out hands-on activities according to instructions
Set up the input and output devices
customize settings for display,  mouse and sound
customize settings for date and time, language and regional options
4. Technology Development
4.1 Current Development of
      Hardware Technology
4.1.1 Gather information on the current or latest
          development of hardware technology.
Gathering information/carrying out research on the
   current or latest development of hardware technology
Produce a hardware portfolio (A compilation of pupils’ work throughout the learning area on hardware)
hardware portfolio


Learning Area
Learning Outcomes
Suggested Learning Activities
1. Introduction to Computer
1.1 Definition
1.2 Usage
1.3 Types of Software
1.1.1 State the definition of software.
1.2.1 State the usage of software.
1.3.1 List different types of software:
Operating Systems
Utility Programmes
Application Software
• Explaining the definition of software
• Facilitating pupils’ discussion on the use of
Discussing types of software
Showing examples for different types of software
ë  the definition and usage of software
ë  different types of software
ë  a worksheet
2. Operating System (OS)
2.1 Introduction to Operating System
2.2 OS Interface Environment
2.3 File Management
2.1.1 Define the operating system.
2.1.2 State the functions of operating system.
2.2.1 State the characteristics of OS
         environment based Graphical User  
         Interface (GUI).
2.3.1 Manage folders and subfolders:
Create folders
Rename folders
Move files
Discussing types and functions of operating system
Showing the difference between DOS and Windows
Starting and shutting down the computer
Exploring the Windows environment
Creating folders and subfolders
Renaming files and folders
Moving files and folders
Copying files and folders
Deleting files and folders
ë  the definition and function of  operating system 
ë  difference between DOS and Windows
Manage folders and subfolders
3. Utility Software
3.1 OS Based Utility
3.2 Non-OS based Utility
3.1.1 Run scan disk on the computer.
3.1.2 Defrag the hard disk.
3.2 Non-OS based Utility
3.2.2 Compress and decompress files.
Running scan disk and defragging the hard disk
Scanning for viruses
Updating virus definitions
(used an existing antivirus supplied to the school or downloaded freeware antivirus)
Compressing and decompressing files
Running scan disk and defragging
Scanning for viruses
Updating virus definitions
Compressing and decompressing files
4. Application Software
4.1 Introduction to Application
4.2 Installing and Uninstalling
      Application Software
4.1.1 Identify types of application software:
Word processing
4.2.1 Install a software.
4.2.2 Uninstall or remove a software.
Discussing types of application software
Show examples of application software
Demonstrating installation and removing an application
Installing a simple application software
Uninstalling or removing an application software
types of application software
installation and removing a software
5. Word Processing Software
5.1 Introduction to Word Processing
5.2 Starting Word Processing 
5.3 Creating Document
5.4 Editing Document
5.5 Mail Merge
5.1.1 State the usage of word processing
5.2.1 Start a word processing software.
5.2.2 State the steps of starting a word
          processing software.
5.2.3 State and identify features in a word
         processing software and demonstrate
         understanding of user interface.
5.2.4 State the main toolbars in word  
          processing software:
Standard bar
Formatting bar
Drawing bar
5.2.5 List icons in the Standard, Formatting and
         Drawing Toolbars.
5.2.6 State the functions of icons in the
         Standard, Formatting and Drawing
5.3.1 Create a new document by using word
         processing software.
5.3.2 Set ‘Page Setup’.
5.3.3 Key in data into the new document.
5.3.4 Save the new document with a new file
5.3.5 Exit file.
5.4.1 Identify file and its location.
5.4.2 Open the file.
5.4.3 Identify and use editing tools to edit
5.4.4 Create a document with table and column.
5.4.5 Print document.
5.4.6 Create a document using Drawing Tools.
5.4.7 Show creativity by creating a document.
5.4.8 Work cooperatively in groups.
5.4.9 Abide by the rules and instructions.
5.5.1 State the usage of mail merge.
5.5.2 Create a mail merge document.
5.5.3 Print the document.
Show various types of word processing software
Discussing the usage of word processing
Showing documents which have been produced by word
  processing software, such as letters, essays and
   minutes of meetings
Demonstrating how to start word processing software
   and explaining the user interface
Starting word processing software and exploring the
   user interface
Discussing the toolbars in MS Word
Labelling each icon on the handouts given
Explaining the function of icons in Standard, Formatting
   and Drawing Toolbars
Carrying out hands-on activities on following skills:
o Setting Page Setup
o Keying in data
o Saving document
o Closing document
Carrying out hands-on activities on following skills:
o Opening existing document
o Cutting and pasting text
o Copying and pasting
o Changing font - size/ type/ style
o Aligning text
o Change case
o Typing correction - delete/ insert/ backspace
o Allocating line spacing
o Setting column
o Using Drop Cap
o Inserting header and footer
o Inserting page number
o Inserting graphics
o Indenting
o Printing document
o Inserting table
o Inserting bullet and numbering
o Using the tab key
o Assigning borders
o Inserting WordArt
o Inserting Clip Art
o Adding in colour
o Using AutoShapes
o Using Text Box
o Using 3-D Style
Creating documents such as:
o School bulletin
o Newsletter
o Brochure
o Pamphlet
o Programme book
Printing out the documents and keeping them in their  
Explaining the use of mail merge
Using mail merge to create certificates, letters or forms
Printing out the mail merge document and putting it in
  their portfolio
Refer to:
PPK “MS Word 2003 Self Access Learning Module ”
( 7 Modules )
6. Spreadsheet Software
6.1 Introduction to Spreadsheet
6.2 Starting Spreadsheet Software
6.3 Creating Worksheet
6.4 Editing worksheet
6.1.1 State the usage of spreadsheet.
6.2.1 Start spreadsheet software.
6.2.2 State the steps of starting a spreadsheet
6.2.3 State and identify features in
         spreadsheet application and demonstrate
          understanding of user interface.
6.2.4 State the main toolbars in spreadsheet
Standard bar
Formatting bar
Formula bar
Chart bar
6.2.4 List icons in Standard, Formatting,
         Formula and Chart Toolbars.
6.2.5 State the functions of icons in the
         Standard, Formatting, Formula and Chart
6.3.1 Create a new worksheet by using
          spreadsheet software.
6.3.2 Set ‘Page Setup’.
6.3.3 Key in data into worksheet.
6.3.4 Save worksheet.
6.3.5 Print worksheet.
6.3.6 Close workbook and exit Spreadsheet
6.3.7 Use formulae in worksheet:
Grading (Lookup, VLookup)
6.3.8 Insert a chart in worksheet.
6.4.1 Identify a file and its location.
6.4.2 Open the file.
6.4.3 Identify and use editing tools to edit
Showing various type of spreadsheet software
Showing spreadsheet features
Explaining the basic elements of a worksheet:
o Cell
o Column
o Row
Demonstrating how to start a spreadsheet software and
  explaining the user interface
Starting spreadsheet software and exploring the user
Discussing the toolbars in MS Excel
Labeling each icon in the handouts given
Explaining the functions of the icons in the Standard,
  Formatting, Formula and Chart Toolbars
• Carrying out hands-on activities on following skills:
o Creating a new worksheet
o Setting page setup
o Entering data
o Saving worksheet
o Closing workbook
o Opening existing worksheet
o Cutting and Pasting data
o Adjusting rows and Columns
o Inserting rows and columns
o Printing worksheet
ë   Normal printing and Area printing
o Entering data
o Using formulae: sum, average, grading
     (Lookup, VLookup), percentage, ranking
o Using currency format
o Inserting table
o Creating charts
o Changing chart types and properties
o Deleting charts
o Previewing charts
o Printing charts
o Saving charts
o Opening existing file
o Creating multiple worksheets
o Moving or copying sheet
o Renaming/deleting worksheet
o Changing the font size/ type/ style
o Aligning text
o Formatting cell
Refer to:
PPK “ MS Excel 2003 Self Access Learning Module”
( 5 Modules )
7. Presentation Software
7.1 Concept of Multimedia
7.2 Steps in Multimedia
7.3 Introduction to Presentation
7.4 Starting Presentation Software
7.5 Creating Presentation
7.6 Editing Presentation
7.1.1 State the concept of Multimedia.
7.2.1 State the steps in multimedia
Design (Storyboard)
7.3.1 State the usage of presentation software.
7.4.1 Start presentation software.
7.4.2 State the steps of starting presentation
7.4.3 State and identify features in the
          presentation software and demonstrate
          understanding of user interface.
7.4.4 State the main toolbars in the presentation
Standard bar
Formatting bar
Drawing bar
Task Pane bar
Slide design
Slide layout
7.4.5 List icons in the Standard, Formatting,
         Drawing and Task Pane toolbars.
7.4.6 State the function of icons in the
         Standard, Formatting, Drawing and Task
         Pane toolbars.
7.5.1 Create a blank slide presentation using
         slide layout:
Enter text
Insert picture
7.5.2 Save the presentation.
7.5.3 Close and exit the presentation.
7.5.4 Open existing presentation.
7.5.5 Run the slide show.
7.5.6 Print the presentation.
7.6.1 Create presentation using blank layout:
Insert Text Box
Insert WordArt
Insert pictures
Insert movie and sound
7.6.2 Modify text.
7.6.3 Apply colour background.
7.6.4 Insert new slides using effects below:
Custom animation
Slide transitions
7.6.5 Apply slides design.
7.6.6 Create hyperlink.
7.6.7 Create multimedia presentation including
          text, pictures, movie, sound, animation,
          transition and hyperlink.
7.6.8 Demonstrate cooperation and
Explaining the concept of multimedia
Explaining the steps in multimedia development
• Explaining the usage of presentation software and
  showing samples of presentations
Demonstrating how to start a presentation software and
   explaining the user interface
Starting presentation software and exploring the user
Discussing the toolbars in MS PowerPoint
Labeling each icon in the handouts given
Explaining the functions of the icons in the Standard,
   Formatting, Drawing and Task Pane toolbars
Carrying out hands-on activities:
o Entering text
o Inserting picture
o Saving presentation
o Closing presentation
o Opening existing presentation
o Running slide show
o Printing presentation:
ë   Slides
ë   Handouts
Carrying out hands-on activities:
o Creating slide presentation
o Inserting Text Box
o Inserting WordArt
o Inserting picture
o Inserting movie and sound
o Modifying text
o Applying colour background
o Inserting new slide
o Adding effect
o Applying slide design
o Using hyperlink:
ë   Action button
ë   Hyperlink text
Producing and presenting a simple multimedia
Refer to:
PPK “ MS PowerPoint 2003 Self access Learning Module”
( 8 Modules )


Learning Area
Learning Outcomes
Suggested Learning Activities
2. The Internet
2.1 Introduction to the Internet
2.2 Internet Requirements
2.3 Internet Applications
2.4 Netiquette
2.5 Internet Communications
2.6 Cyber Law
2.1.1 Define the Internet.
2.1.2 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of
         the Internet.
2.2.1 List requirements needed to access
         the Internet.
2.3.1 Define the World Wide Web (WWW).
2.3.2 State available web browsers.
2.3.3 List commonly used search engines.
2.3.4 State the function of a search engine.
2.3.5 Search for information using a search
2.3.6 Download files from the Internet.
2.3.7 Exercising responsibility when
         downloading information from the Internet.
2.3.8 Exercising accountability for information
2.4.1 Explain the meaning of Netiquette.
2.4.2 List out the Dos and Don’ts while
         communicating online.
2.4.3 Adhere to netiquette in various forms of
         online communications.
2.5.1 State various forms of communication
         on the Internet.
2.5.2 List peripherals used for  communications.
2.5.3 Communicate using e-mail.
2.5.4 Practice honesty in online
2.5.5 Observe safety precautions when
          retrieving mail.
2.5.6 Communicate using Internet Relay
         Chat (IRC).
2.5.7 Observe safety precautions when
communicating online.
2.6.1 Describe the need for cyber law.
Locating the meaning of Internet from books, magazines
  and other appropriate sources
Discussing advantages and disadvantages of the
Showing and explaining basic requirements to access
   the Internet:
o Modem (internal and external)
o Access account
o Network Interface Card (NIC)
o Wireless network interface card
o Hub/ Switch
o Router
o Wireless access point
Explaining the meaning of World Wide Web (WWW)
Introducing web browsers:
o Internet Explorer
o Netscape Navigator
o Opera
o Safari
o Godzilla
Listing examples of search engines:
   o Yahoo, Google, AltaVista and Hot Bot
Discussing the function of a search engine
Demonstrating how to search for information from the
    Internet – use information and communication skill
Using Google to search for relevant information
Demonstrating to download files from the Internet
Downloading files from the Internet:
  o Images, Videos and Audio
Demonstrating security while surfing the Internet
Demonstrating security tools setting found in web
Knowledge all sources found true the Internet.
Demonstrating security setting in surfing the
Locating the meaning of netiquette from books,
   magazines and other appropriate sources
Netiquette relates to online communication, not surfing
List Dos and Don’ts while communicating
   with others online (surfing the Internet)
Listing netiquette items:
 o Use a pleasant tone in writing
 o Ensure that messages are clear and concise
 o Avoid spamming
 o Avoid “Faming”
 o Use emoticons wisely
 o Exercise judgment before sending messages
Introducing pupils to several forms of
  Internet communications:
o E-mailing
o Chatting
o Conferencing (audio and video)
o Net Meeting
o Newsgroup
o Forum
Listing peripherals used for communications
o Web camera
o Microphone
o Earphone
Demonstrating how to:
o Register an e-mail account
o send messages
o attach files to messages
o receive/retrieve messages
o download attached files
o delete/save messages
Introducing pupils to Internet Relay Chat:
o MS-Chat
o Messenger tool
Chatting using Messenger:
 o communicating between two or more users
 o observing safety precautions
 o observing Netiquette
Facilitating discussion on reasons for the need of cyber
ë   definition of the internet
ë    advantage and disavantage
ë  a worksheet
ë   definition of WWW
ë    Examples and  function of web browser and search engines l
ë  a worksheet
to search for information from the Internet
Downloading files from the Internet
security tools setting found in web
meaning of Netiquette
Listing netiquette items
various forms of communication
Listing peripherals used for communications
Communicate using e-mail
Introducing pupils to Internet Relay Chat
Note:  Sate cyber law in Malaysia